Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trusting #TRUTH - no more "circling the mountain"

It’s week 4 in our Made to Crave bible study…

…the half-way point…the home-stretch!

If you’re like me, you may have expected to feel…

…half-way there…or nearly home-free!

But…even if you’re about to crest a peak….climbing a mountain can still feel grueling. This week, even Lysa’s chapter titles gave testimony to the fear I felt about passing the week 4 mile marker in this journey towards Jesus.

“It’s Isn’t Fair!” (Chapter 10)
“Stinkin’, Rotten, Horrible, No Good Day!” (Chapter 11)
“The Curse of the Skinny Jeans” (Chapter 12)

I LOVED these chapters. What an amazing God that THESE chapters would come up at the week 4 mile marker. My husband just left for a work trip and I have never been one to do well without accountability. When I’m alone, my resolve melts like butter and I am easily thrown by the wave of each passing emotion. Whether consumed by a moment’s loneliness, coveting a moment’s quietness, or caught in a moment’s boredom…past solitude has typically become a slippery slope of sin.

Coming into this week, I’ve been bracing for failure and riddled with fear. Several times, I’ve felt the following lyrics boil up in my soul. They’re from a song I wrote in 2013 to express the helpless/hopeless feeling of cycling in and out of sin.

A Messy Me (Galatians 5:17)
Miriam E. Lind (c) 2013
Click here for a rough vocal-only recording of the song; I apologize my keyboard 
wasn't working and  there's quite a bit of unfortunate background noise.

On days like this
When the sun outside is hiding
My skin feels damp
It’s cloudy in my soul

And I hate this stupid dance
Two step forward another back
Round and round in circles I go

You said You’d purified me
But I still feel so ugly
Don’t like the reflection I see
In the mirror

I know You’re always at work
But Your fingerprints they start to blur
When I get mixed up in myself
Mixed up in myself
Mixed up in myself

I guess that’s how it boils down
A choice between You and my own crown
What kind of obsession
Will I foster?

And I know I’ve sung it all before
Less of me and more of You, Lord
But each time I stand
I fall again.

It’s a push and pull – a  tug of war
A battle raging in my core
I feel like Adam and like Eve
Or Eden bursting into weeds

I know Your plan is to redeem
But it takes so long I feel defeat
Where’s the forest through these trees?
Father help me…
Father help me…

Instrumental verse….

It’s for freedom – he set us free
It’s for freedom – he set us free
It’s for freedom – he set us free
It’s for freedom – he set us free

There I was…with that cry for freedom dripping off my lips, when I read these powerful words: “Either, we can be victimized and become victims, or we can be victimized and rise above. Often, it is easier to play the victim than take off our masks and ask for help. We get comfortable with our victim status. It becomes our identity and is hard to give up. The Israelites often played the victim card. I love what God finally tells them. ‘You have circled this mountain long enough”. Now turn North’ (Deuteronomy 2:3)” – Made to Crave, quoting Ruth Graham.

Wow. It was like Jesus jumped off of the page and grabbed my attention. “Turn NORTH! Look to Me. Come out of the shadows and into the Light! Take courage. You are not destined for failure. I will be your strength. My grace IS sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness!!”

These are the #truths that God is revealing to me! My past is only paralyzing if I give it power. My history only feels hopeless when I wallow in yesterday’s mistakes. Instead, I can cling to the promise that Christ is in the business of transformation. This journey is not about changing my habits…it’s about changing my heart.


  1. Amen! Changing our hearts is the whole key. Love your song lyrics. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  2. I love this so much!! And I nearly squealed with delight that you write songs too!! I really enjoy reading your posts!! I tell myself the same as your song ends - and often! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! Sometimes I can almost feel it - freedom! I chase after it! I long for it! And I'm convinced that we are to walk in that precious freedom!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. I feel your heart...we LONG for freedom. Good news is...HE PROMISES IT!!! Hold fast to His word and continue to push through!

  3. Wow, Miriam, what beautiful lyrics - you are very talented. Thanks for the inspiration on your blog during the hop today. Have a great day!

    1. Thank you, Kim. It is a blessing to see God use my words to bless others. I hope they ultimately point to Him!!

  4. Wonderful again! I also was struck by this truth this week and really related to the story of the Israelites circling the mountain over and over and over again… haven't I been here before with this weight stuff? But it is time to turn north! It is time to move on and leave this mountain behind us! I know you can do it… maybe not on your own, but that is even better because doing it with God's power brings you even closer to him!

    1. I've gone back to the story in the bible now...a few times this week. It just keeps hitting me over and over!! I'm amazed at how God encouraged them to turn North...but when they CONTINUED their disobedience, the entire generation was not allowed to enter the promised land. Let's learn from their mistakes and take advantage of God's conviction now!!! Thankful for His Grace!!! God bless!

  5. Wow Miriam,
    What an appropriate name!!! I am amazed at how God knows exactly what we need and that He delights in giving it to us. I am really touched by music because I am a singer and also a worshiper and music speaks to my heart. Your song was beautiful and very inspiring. I agree completely with you and even before I began this study, I had a frank conversation with God I asked him to draw me closer and that I wanted to see radical changes in my life and the lives of loved ones, my community, my church, etc. Since we began our study, I have been praying daily for God to change my heart so that others can see Him in me and so that I can be used for His glory. I am not a victim of the past but I am victorious and I am turning north and declare that I am not going to circle this mountain anymore!!!

    1. Thank you, Roberta!!! I ADORE my name ;-) It is definitely a gift from God. I'm glad that you were touched by the song. Since you're a music lover yourself, here's another one that's been blessing me this week: Let's keep each other encouraged!!!

  6. Thank you for your encouragement!

  7. I so enjoyed your post today, Miriam. From the inside-out, right? That kind of change is permanent, and the kind that can best serve our Lord.
    PS I am a musician as well, even though I don't compose. What a great God we serve!

    1. Yes...WHAT A GREAT GOD indeed :) Thanks for your encouragement. Have a great week! ~ Miriam

  8. What a beautiful song and yes, what a mess we can be when we take our focus off our Father and put it self. Loved your post and thanks for sharing your song!! Was totally blessed in reading and hearing your heart!! Blessings to you sister!!

    Trish :)

    1. Blessed by you, too! Keep our eyes on the prize! God bless ~ Miriam

  9. I've been telling myself to "head North" all week! It is a great visual. Love the song! Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Amen, Miriam!! This journey, well it's a journey...not a destination. Awesome that you name it for what it is... one of the heart. Thank you for sharing, my musical sister. Beautiful, beautiful song. I, too, will look North...

    1. Thanks for reminding me of the focus Have a great week - eyes North!

  11. Miriam, this is amazing. Wow, I am right there with you, sister. I have felt, cried, and prayed so many of the same things you have expressed here. Praying for you today! xoxo

    1. Thanks, so much! I'll keep you in my prayers.
