Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Starting Block - M2C week 1 blog hop (A Raging Battle)

The Starting Block

Tonight I weighed in…

I’ve been fearing that moment…dreading that number

I know I am more than my weight or my body
but Nick planned a date; we were headed into town
and I really wanted to wear the new boots
tan and tall – to embody “EMPOWERED”!!

Of course – you can’t wear thigh-high boots unless your pants tuck in
and the only “tuck-in-able” pants I own are those cursed s-k-i-n-n-y jeans

I pulled and I prayed
I puckered and I pudged

b-u-t   t-h-e   d-e-n-i-m   d-e-n-i-e-d

unlike my will (or my weight)
the size of those jeans remained fixed
their measurements were permanent

and as I stood there
with my stomach smashed under the button I’d forced closed
trying to decide if I could stretch the jeans overnight
unconsciously willing my brain to think about

some long-suppressed thoughts crept into conscious…

This is the fat-cheeked face of failure
This is the butter-ball bulge of bitterness
These are the heavy-set hips of hedonism

I tried to crush the conviction
attempted to ignore the inkling
but a pattern started emerging
a reality quickly surfacing!

Over the last several years of
Disappointment – Death – and Doubt
          my crutch
                    my constant
                              has been food

I eat in sorrow – I eat in joy – I eat when I’m stressed – I eat when I’m rejoicing –
I eat to share community – I eat to soothe loneliness – I eat – And I eat – And I eat

When work feels overwhelming
And relationships strained
            Salt becomes solace

When the elliptical gathers dust
And the guitar goes out of tune
            Chocolate still cheers

When the smell of fresh baby skin
Pierces the air…and my heart
            Sugar is shalom

Staring in the mirror at the juxtaposition between too-tight pants and so-soft flab
T-H-E      R-E-A-L-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N      R-O-L-L-E-D      I-N

“This wasn’t really about the scale or what clothing size I was;
it was about this battle that raged in my heart…
I had to get honest enough to admit it:
I relied on food more than I relied on God.
I craved food more than I craved God”.
Lysa Terkeurst, Made To Crave

(a pause)

Could this struggle really be more spiritual than physical?

(a sigh)

Would a realigned perspective help me finally reach my goals?

(a tear)

Should I dare hope for a change heart AND a renewed body?

“David also said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.” 1 Chronicles 28:20

I pealed off the pants and walked to scale


Miriam E Lind
January 23, 2014

Proverbs 31 Blog Hop


  1. Yes ma'am - you dare to hope! You can do it, my sweet friend! Looking forward to encouraging one another along this journey :) Also - I'm a Midwest transplant - grew up in Kansas and spend time as an adult in Chicago! Love the MW!!!

    1. Too funny! I live in Iowa now but I also grew up in Kansas. Olathe, specifically. I've never been to the Netherlands but went to school in Pella, Iowa - the most Dutch, mini "Holland" of the US :) My husband and I had a blast dutch dancing during the annual "Tulip Time" - lol. We have a lot in common. I appreciate your encouragement!!!

  2. In the journey with you, MIriam! Thanks for your willingness to be transparent and bold. May God empower you to be victorious!

    1. Thank you, Sabra! Vulnerability is a lesson God has been teaching me for a long time. My light cannot shine if my "skin" is not transparent :) God bless!

  3. You can do it and you are doing it! Thank you for sharing your heart and truths. Excited to see all that God is doing and going to do in you.
    Blessings, Denise C. (OBS Blog Hop Team and Small Group Leader)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. Yes!! Step 1 is over - now to move forward :) No longer "blocked" at the starting block. Let's finish this race! God bless!

  4. Praying for you, Miriam! I absolutely hate when my "denim denies" me, but it happens often these days. Keep craving God :)!

    1. Don't worry, Candace...we're GOING TO DO THIS!!! You keep craving too - God, that is :)

  5. Ohh honey! I have so been there and feel your pain! Jeans are the bain of my existence! They literally do not make the pair of jeans I want the most in a size I can wear! How mean is that?! I love your writing style and I am so glad to ba taking part in this journey with you! We can do this. We can control the battle in our hearts and learn to crave the only thing (well that will make us feel full-filled. It is in us I know it!

    Ohh and I found this and thought it might help!

    And kuddos to your for being able to wears those boots! My calves are simply too bulky!

    1. Ha ha, Kallie! I'm glad I'm not the only one with denim drama!! Thank you so much for the pinterest link!! I LOVE it - promises to prove very helpful in usurping further blue-jean "blues"!

      Yes - we CAN do this! I'm feeling #EMPOWERED and hopeful. Let's keep each other encouraged!

    2. P.S. My boots ARE seriously hot, but don't you worry! God cares more about your cravings than your cankels! lol

  6. Miriam...I love it! You shared your heart and beauty! Oh and I hate when my "denim denies" but we've got this! In Him we can do it!!

    Beautiful girl!! Thanks for sharing!
    Michelle!! (from

    1. Yes, Michelle! We can do it!!

      P.S. Did you see the link above from Kallie! No more skinny jeans!!! lol

  7. Thank you for your transparency.

  8. Miriam I love this!! I'm here lets do it together :)

  9. Hi, Miriam! To answer your question, there are topics posted each week to blog about for the Blog Hop. You just go to the OBS Blog Hop page and use the link up tool at the bottom of Thursday's blog post to enter a link for your blog so everyone can visit you! If you would like to add labels to your post, you can do so before you publish your post by using the labels tab on the right side of your post screen. If you would like to add labels after you post, you can edit your post and the labels tab will be in the same spot. I hope you are doing well this week! Hugs!

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping to actually put the blog hop label on the next post. It's been a good week so far!

  10. Really enjoyed reading this, thank you for your honesty.

    1. Thank YOU for stopping by! God bless ~ Miriam
